The plumbing keeps clogging.
Zeline's brought home a new playmate.
Jorgen and Zeline are close and he's friendly with Jiro as well; otherwise he doesn't seem to have friends. His marks remain stellar but I want him to be happy as well as successful.
Today Neil announced the formation of a fully functional police force. The mob's grip is loosening at last. Random violence in the streets is no longer tolerated; it's now safe for youngsters and elders to go outdoors.
The fire department is up and running as well. Accidents with the grill have been a frequent consequence of annoying the mob. Accident or retribution, it was Neil's heroics that saved us from homelessness and perhaps death a few years ago. Many families haven't been so fortunate. I've installed an alarm.
Jorgen is growing into a fine young man. He brought a young lady home from school today. There's hope for him yet.
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