Widowhood is absolutely and unequivocally wretched!
Of course there's no such thing as funeral leave in Sunset Valley. Then again, there's no such thing as a funeral.
I don't know how I'll keep on keeping on, only that I must.Jody's completed her magnum opus and it's been released to the public. She earned a big promotion to match it.
I'm ambivalent. Happy for her, of course, and proud of her as well, however...I'm already out of sorts that this younger generation has it too easy...that they take healthy bones, green plants and roomy houses for granted...that they don't appreciate the decades of toil that went into these things. I daresay that telly and video games will not improve this.
Speaking of being grumpy with the younger generation, just as I'm ready to snap and throttle my daughter-in-law, or at the very least, box her ears...
She's managed to redeem herself.